Thursday, January 12, 2017

Old Year Brings Possibilities To The New Year

In The Light And The Light In Us!

On a page titled "With" or "In." E. Stanley Jones indicates in his book, Power and Poise the following important ideas 

The average Christian lives under the ought rather than can. 

When totally surrendered to God, the Holy Spirit comes in, so that our living becomes faithful, and loyal.  The Holy Spirit functions in us.  

The author quoted Chesterton, "if the natural will not submit to the Supernatural it becomes the unnatural."

E. Stanley Jones goes on to say, "Jesus was perfectly surrendered and hence perfectly natural.

Are we living like Jesus?  Are we living a natural, supernatural Christian life?

Church Women United

I praise God for the stamp of eternity on the good work this organization does in our community.  

Church Women United is a racially, culturally, theologically inclusive Christian women’s movement, celebrating unity in diversity and working for a world of peace and justice.  Church Women United empowers women of faith to advance social justice in their local communities and globally.  We believe in a more just and cooperative future, grounded in the love of God.  Impassioned by the Holy Spirit we act on behalf of women and children throughout our global community

Active last year even more action in 2017 working for justice for all.

United Methodist Women

The United Methodist Women Units in churches across W. Michigan Conference creatively make the Love of God an experience through their meetings and projects.

This United Methodist Women  co-sponsors a Keep Making Peace Day in East Lansing at University United Methodist Chruch, on April 1st.  Information and registration is at   
The topic this year is Confronting Michigan’s Climate Change.  

Everyone is invited to this important event. 

Before During After Incarceration (BDAI)

We started this organization in July of 2016.  We are raising awareness and taking actions with and on behalf of the Incarcerated, Previously incarcerated, their families and friends.

We continue to meet the Third Tuesday of each month.  Check our Facebook Group page for meeting times and places,  It would be great to have you be a part of this important organization.  We need volunteers.

Some tweaking of our justice system is needed to bring a just justice.

Northwest Michigan Welcoming Council

In November 2016 I traveled to Lansing and attended two events about immigration and refugees in Michigan.  I learned a lot!  The most exciting thing was that our federal government had authorized Traverse City as a place to resettle unaccompanied refugee minors.  Bethany Christian Service is the agency administering the program.  A group of local residents have formed to help extend the Welcome.  We are calling ourselves, Northwest Michigan Welcoming Council.

 Northwest Michigan Welcoming Council

Please consider being part of the Northwest Michigan Welcoming Council (NMWC).   We are a group of local residents raising awareness of the needs of refugees and coordinating efforts to welcome refugees to our area. 


Bethany Christian Services has been designated by the Federal Government to resettle unaccompanied refugee minors in our area.  They are in urgent need of foster care homes.  For specific details, please call Jamie Staley of Bethany Christian Service, 231421.6494.  In addition to foster care homes, Bethany will have many other ways to help refugees. 

Northwest Michigan Welcoming Council will:

·       Raise awareness of Bethany Christian Services’ role and needs as Unaccompanied Refugee Minors are resettled in Northwest Michigan. 
Current Urgent need, foster care homes. 
·       Provide understanding of the process through information, networking, advocacy and partnerships in Northwest Michigan.,
·       Join our hearts and hands to express kindness and smooth the integration processes.  As refugees see the beauty of our area, they will experience the collective beauty of our souls.
·       Participate in events with newcomers to hear their stories, their hopes, and their dreams.
·       Explore all possibilities as we work together so that through our combined efforts Love Peace and Justice will continue to flourish in Northwest Michigan.

More information will be posted on the Facebook Page.  If  you, or someone you know wants to be in the group’s email loop, let us know via email.

Let's help make Northwest Michigan their home sweet home!