Sunday, March 5, 2017


Our Wesley Heritage

“Think and Let Think,” John Wesley. 

Current Contemplation

You may have already heard or read that I chose the word “INTENTION” for my 2017 focus. 
Below are some of the questions I am asking myself. 
What was God’s intention for humanity at creation? 
What is God’s intention for me in the next minute, hour, day, week month….? 
As I read scripture, I ask what the intention of the writer is.  How did the people who first read this passage understand its intention? 
Are any of these understandings intended for my society?  What changes do I need to make in my sphere of influence.

February Flowers

That is a long way of saying I intended to post this in February.  I want to show off God’s February beauty at La Posada.

February Fun with a Future

We gathered at the annual fundraiser, Hands and Hearts, for Support of La Posada Providencia. 

La Posada clients posing for a picture during the 2017 Hands & Hearts fundraiser.
Our 2017 Hands & Hearts Brunch and Auction showed La Posada Providencia’s board, staff, volunteers and clients how far reaching and committed the support is to “Welcoming the Stranger and Making a Difference” in our community.
More than 300 supporters attended our annual brunch, held Saturday, February 4, at La Sierra Event Center, in Harlingen, Texas.
“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers as thereby some have entertained Angels unawares.” This message from St. Paul (Hebrews 13:2) also was the event’s welcoming message chosen by Program Director, Sister Zita Telkamp, CDP. It is one of her favorite scripture quotations and is posted on a plaque greeting clients and visitors as they enter our main building at La Posada.

I love silent auctions; they are even more fun when the money goes to a good cause.  The item I purchased at the auction will enhance hospitality at my home.  You are invited to come and enjoy it with me.  I will be back in Traverse City, MI on April 2.

Saying Yes to Missions

Many of you know I said yes to be an Individual Volunteer in Missions in 2012 and went on my first assignment when I turned 70.  I am now on my fifth assignment.  I have been “reconverted” more than once on these journeys!  I have been “fixed” in areas I did not even know I was broken. 

Jesus Christ calls us to LIFE.  We are promised not just life, but abundant Life. 

We all are on an adventurous journey! 

Part of God’s original intention for humanity, is love and fellowship in relationship with God and each other.  Serving at La Posada Providencia, being a part of the lives of asylum seekers has allowed me to understand and grow toward God’s intention. 

Evidence of God’s providence is front and center here!


Paul in 2 Corinthians 3:2-4 stated a reality about his ministry.  His words reflect a truth I see here in La Posada.  The asylum seekers are letters from Christ to me.  I see the results of the Spirit of the living God, writing on the tablets of these human hearts. 

Let’s open our hearts to see what God is doing in the world.
Let’s open our minds to understand what God’s intention requires us to do.

Galatians 5:6 

The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.