Thursday, April 5, 2018

Another Glimpse of La Posada

Sharing My Reflections and Parts of a Newsletter

I am so happy to be able to stay connected through la Posada's Newsletter.  Below are parts of the newsletter and my reflections.  Please remember La Posada Providencia in your prayers and donations.

La Posada Providencia's E-Newsletter

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Those Who Inspire

 Sister Therese puts the final touches on the birthday cake.  Sister Zita is holding the individual cards each client created especially for her.  Sister Zita's love, the love of all the sisters and staff are God's Prevenient Grace flowing to the immigrants and asylum seekers at La Posada.

Program Director, Sister Zita Telkamp, CDP, is someone who comes to mind when contemplating inspiration. Anyone touched by La Posada during the past 10 years can certainly offer testimony of her daily activities that are inspiring. We are not sure when she sleeps because it seems she is always up and about attending to various client and staff needs. And, she does all of this at all times of the day and night! That is why it was very fitting that clients and staff stopped for a break to honor her and celebrate her birthday on March 23rd, with cake and ice cream.
Thank you Sister Zita for all you do!

Ever wonder who inspires someone like Sister Zita? Well, she recently told us of someone, a client, named Irma. When asked why, Sister stated “The reason why I find her inspiring is that she is 78 years old and very hard working. I have noticed her helping our cook in the kitchen, cleaning, and setting the table. She shows the energy of a younger person.”

We all need sources of inspiration to help us as we travel our life’s journey. May Providence shine on our inspirational heroes – those for whom we sing praises and those whose praises are yet to be sung.

On the Left is resident Irma.

Below are the residents helping celebrate Sister Zita's birthday.

Present Client Census: 15 Clients representing 9 different countries

5  Women:   2- Salvador, 1-Congo, 1-Guatemala, 1-Zimbabwe
3  Children:  1-El Salvador,1-Congo, 1-Guatemala
7  Men: 2-Mexico, 1-USA, 1-Cameroon, 2-Eritrea; 1-Rwanda

The Client Census above is a "snapshot" of the numbers on the Tuesday of the newsletter.  The reality is a constant flux of asylum seekers in and out. 

Family separation adds to the pain of the violence that causes the migration in the first place.  Many of the women are monitored as criminals.

The mothers have been separated from their spouses and children have been separated form their fathers by our immigration system's rules.  Above is the government bus from Dilly Detention Center bringing many to us for our care and repair.

Check out the many articles on the Internet about Dilly Family Detention Center, Dilly Texas. This detention center is where many mothers and children at La Posada were detained prior to coming to La Posada. 

Much is needed, Much is Required

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, then you are on the side of the oppressor (Desmond Tutu)

“What you did or failed to do you did for or failed to do for me,” Jesus.