A positive "spin" on drifts and seasons.
In Michigan, for as long as I can remember, seeing the first robin of spring was cause to celebrate. There are various rituals that some engage in, but most people are just glad to see the robin, know spring is near.
For as long as I can remember this is the poem we said when we saw that first robin.
The North wind doth blow and we shall have snow,
And what will poor robin do then, poor thing?
He'll sit in a barn and keep himself warm
and hide his head under his wing, poor thingI saw my first robin on April 9 and thought my complaining about winter weather had come to an end. How wrong I was, starting April 13 in the afternoon and continuing until the morning of April 17, I was snowed in. Because I am now a "Winter Texan," Winter Texans do not drive on white roads. Or so I have decided.
April 13 snow coming, but the roads were not white. Following are daily updates.

April 14th Reality
April 15 Reality

April 16 Reality

April 17th, Roads not white, but the reality of black ice makes them very dangerous.

It might sound like I am complaining, but I am not. I am actually thanking God for these snow days. They were opportunities to do some of the "have to do" on my seven page list. I am actually hoping to finish my unpacking within the next two weeks.
Also, I am happy to be cooking in my own kitchen. Breakfast while snowed in, oatmeal on a bed of prunes.