Walking Day Off
Beit Sahour
Beit Sahour is a small town on the outskirts of
Bethlehem, suffering from the occupation and being crowed by the building of settlements illegal under international law.
I stayed in the home of a
Christian family in Beit Sahour. It was
a joy to spend time with this family, meeting their four daughters. I had a chance to practice my Arabic words,
and help the 11 year old with some English.
The family’s neighbors are also relatives. I learned Beit Sahour has five main families;
everyone knows everyone. They care for
and about each other. This community
comes together when there is a need.
Family honor is part of the social fabric.
The father in this family, for the last fifteen years, has
worked in alternative travel. His company takes groups around the West Bank to
show the results of the occupation. Alternative Tourism Group-Study Center, www.atg.ps.
believers are weary from the occupation.
They have many personal stories and memories of continued violations of
their humanity, their dignity. Their
hearts are grieved; tears fill their eyes as they tell of their realities.
Yet they hope!
The Kairos Palestine document puts it this way, “In the
absence of all hope, we cry out our cry of hope. We believe in God, good and just. They cling to their belief that God’s
goodness will finally triumph over the evil of hate and of death that persists
in their land.
If you have not yet read this Kairos Palestine document,
please go to
and find a link to the document.
Shepherd’s Field
After breakfast, I walked down to a place called Shepherd’s
Field. The walk was warm, but relaxing I
was sure I was on the correct road as my host walked part way with me on his
way to work.
I enjoyed the beauty of some of the yards flowing over
Beit Sahour takes the Christmas story seriously. Shepherds Field is a place commemorating the
Angle’s message to the Beit Sahour shepherds at Christ’s birth.
I was one of the first to arrive, no
competition from the tourist busses. My
walk through these grounds allowed me to enjoy this space created to
contemplate this blessed event.
There are places that have been set up for groups to gather
and rehear the message of the angels. As I sat here I remembered hearing my three year old son (1969) recite the passage from Luke about this event.
The plants in the landscaping were beautiful reminders of
the harsh climate and terrain.
The same rocks and caves from over 2000 years ago.
Can your imagination fill them with shepherds and sheep?
Sit here in the shade and ponder with me how it must
have felt, led by angels to the incarnated God, a helpless baby.
Inside this structure there are replicas and pictures of this blessed event.
Fast-forwarding to our own life and times, pondering this
same God, now through the power of Pentecost, from inside us, illuminating our
lives by the Holy Spirit and the Word.
Lets leap with joy because we get to be part of the showing
and telling of God’s love, peace and justice shining from inside us to the
A Map and a Place
Praising God, but now it was time for some of the excellent
I went to Ruth’s Field Restaurant. Moreover, having had an excellent cup of
coffee there it only seemed right to go to Boaz’s Souvenir Market.
Another Part of My Walk
Map in hand I proceeded now to a point called, Virgin Mary’s
Well. Thinking I was close I asked the yellow
shirted taxi driver, who approached me to ask if I needed a ride. He put on his glasses, but did not understand
the map. I was again on my own walking
and searching.
As often is the case, a group of schoolchildren gathered
using their few words in English, “What is your name?” Not much conversation after the exchange of
names, I hope to have more words that are Arabic on my next visit.
The students walked with me at least until one of the
villagers called them asking for a slight push backward so he could get a
rolling start down the hill to start his vehicle.
These people help each other.
A Palestinian reality is water storage tank being unloaded. From these tanks, is the only way that there
will be tap water in the summer.
Finding my destination, Virgin Mary’s Well, gave me a chance
to get out of the sun, 91 degrees with a real feel of 95 degrees.
The caretaker told me that the Virgin Mary drank from this water.
I see they are drinking something else now.
Mary’s spiritual journey started like each of ours. God’s call for obedience, Mary said, “Yes.” She lived many transitions, realizing through
many life events, just how blessed she was to know Jesus, the gift of God to
her. God’s Spirit calls for our “Yes,” through
our life events we too realize the blessedness of Jesus, God’s gift to the
Next Church of Nativity Bethlehem
Having been in Bethlehem for a month and yet not inside the Church
of the Nativity, I took this day off opportunity to explore.

I couldn't keep up with the priest on his way to work, I had to stop and read these rules. Once inside there were many beautiful sites. My photography does not begin to show their beauty.
Come to the West Bank and See!
I attended a chapel service. The video will need to wait until I get home. Sure wish the download had been successful.
This is where Christianity started. There are Palestinian families here that can
trace their lineage here back to Pentecost.
These Palestinian Christians are suffering under occupation. They have lost land to settlements; losing
land is a loss of livelihood since many get their living from agriculture. The water God gave this land is diverted and
sold back to them at high prices.
We serve a God who sees!
God sees these Palestinian Christians denied access to worship
at their churches in Jerusalem.
God sees what each of us, Christians from the USA, are doing
about these violations of human rights and international law.
I am here serving in a program of the World Council of
Churches, but I am an Individual Volunteer in Missions through the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries. Please continue praying. I feel God’s power through your prayers in my
circumstances here.
There are many organizations operating here offering help to the Palestinian Christians. They need
prayers and financial support. In
addition, there are many opportunities to influence our USA government.
Many projects here can be supported by donating through this
www.umcmission.org, search Middle
East. Since USA churches cover the
administrative costs, 100% of the money donated through this web site goes to
the specific works listed by number.
Back to my reality on the ground.
Lunch, a new way to eat onion and peppers, dipping in warm olive oil, lemon juice and humus.
You are all invited to my house when I am home for some Middle Eastern food!
Some shopping.
Yes, a knitting shop. I know my sister-in-law, Janet, will enjoy this photo.
Then the walking and
searching for my way back to the apartment.
I was seeing sites not yet seen,
totally lost in Bethlehem.
A yellow taxi to my rescue, a haggling over price was
followed by a dangerous, scary ride back “home.”