Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Go Fishing

At and On the Sea of Galilee

Being at the Sea of Galilee brought back the memories of the stories of Jesus at this very place.  When I saw the  boats on shore, I knew I wanted to be on the sea not just at the sea. 

It was wonderful to finally get on a boat and push off from shore. 

As I looked across, I wondered how much was the same as when Jesus looked at this shore.

I asked myself, if I, like Peter, would have stepped out on this water.

I saw a boat coming from the horizon.  

As it got closer, I realized it was a fishing boat.  

What a special treat to see the net up in the air as I took the photos.  

As the net landed, I remembered the story of Peter, casting the net in the daytime at Jesus’ command. 


As the boat sailed on, I thanked God for allowing me to "go fishing" on the Sea of Galilee.

Peter learned the lesson that obeying Jesus brought unimaginable blessings and a new 

My heart was praising God as I enjoyed my day on the Sea of Galilee,  I pondered what my next assignment might be.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Out of My Comfort Zone

Traveling to Tiberius on the Sea of Galilee 

Half way around the world, I am traveling by myself for two days off.  It involves going through the checkpoint, catching a bus to Jerusalem, a train in Jerusalem and finally a bus to the sea of Galilee.  

Once in Jerusalem I walked to the train station, however the directional signage was in Hebrew. 

 Seeing a line of people by a machine, I surmised that tickets had to be purchased from a machine.  

When my turn finally came, I was relieved to see that I could request the screen to show English.  However, the machine would not take my 50 NIS bill.  

Now I was on the hunt for someone who understood English and who had change. Success, ticket in hand I boarded the train for a trip through Jerusalem.  I knew I had to get off at the central bus station, fortunately, the stops are shown in three languages, Hebrew, Arabic and English. I departed correctly.

I knew from the Internet that I was to catch my bus at platform 20.  Walking along the street, the bus stop numbers only went up to number ten.  

On the hunt again for someone who speaks, English.  When I found the English speaker, I was directed to a building across the street.  It was the central bus station but there was no bus in sight. 
Once inside, I finally got to Platform 20 to start my 2 ¾-hour bus trip to the Sea of Galilee.  

Nothing to do but sit back, relax and enjoy the scenery.

All the while being comforted by the scripture that tells us in God we live, move and have our being, 

Kairos for Global Justice

EAPPI Standing in Solidarity with

 Church Related Organizations

Kairos Palestine

A Moment of Truth

In previous blogs, I have had a chance to introduce the document produced by grassroots Palestinian Christians.  It was produced in 2009, Kairos Palestine a Moment of Truth, A Word of Faith, Hope and Love from the Heart of Palestinian Suffering.

Last week I was able to visit the Kairos Palestine office. 

There I met some of the staff who took their precious time to update me on the local and international effort to let the world know about Palestinian’s faith, hope and love.

Dr. Martha Tonsern, Advocacy Officer updated me on another document/book produced by Kairos Palestine, Kairos for Global Justice.  I read it and learned much from the perspectives of the book.  Not only were there insights from the reality on the ground here in Israel/Palestine, Kairos Conscious people from around the world wrote chapters. 

The web site www.kairospalestine.ps has more information.

While at the office, I also met Yasmine Khoury.  She is the Communication and Administrative Officer.

After you check out the information available at the above web site, Yasmine is available to answer questions.

If  you would like to be a part of or support this Kairos Moment of Truth contact her at ykhoury@kairospalestine.ps.

Please pray for a Just Peace in the Middle East