La Posada Providencia Is…
La Posada a shelter for refugees and immigrants. It is in San Benito, Texas. The address here is La Posada
Providencia, 30094 Marydale Road, San Benito,TX 78586,
The La Posada answers the biblical call to “Welcome the
Stranger.” See their web site for
inspirational insight into their services,
Main Task
Their web site indicates that La
Posada provides a safe, nurturing environment to immigrants, asylees, and
asylum seekers who have come to the United States seeking safety, protection,
and a better life. All shelter residents are in the process of seeking legal refuge in this country. La Posada has
welcomed people from more than 70
different countries.
La Posada's Extended Goals
On the web site, you will read
that their goals extends beyond shelter to helping their clients adjust quickly
to United States’ culture. Clients
participate in life skills and English language lessons and receive personalized
case management and transportation.
I teach English as a second language under the guidance of
Sister Therese of The Convent of the Holy Spirit from Ireland. My main tasks are involved in helping to
offer these extended goals. Each day
clients are offered the opportunity to learn English and are exposed to the
culture in the United States.
Our lessons this week included prepositions denoting position. Students learned to read and understand
such prepositions as: at, across, in, on across, under, below and above.
Since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s
birthday was this week, we learned why our country celebrates his birthday as a
national holiday.
Like those who marched with Dr.
King, my prayer is that these new
citizens of the United States will “overcome
some day.”
To Think About
As noted above, the English lessons I taught this week were
in part the prepositions of position. “On
and In,” the concepts in these small words were part of a study from an E. Stanley Jones’ book, The Way to Power
and Poise. “On” also showed up as
part of the United Methodist Women Daily Prayer Calendar and Bible Reading Guide. These resources helped me to realize the
difference between “on and in” as they relate to the Holy Spirit.

The Bible tells about the difference the experience of Pentecost
made on Jesus’ disciples. With the Holy
Spirit in, they became contagious
Christians transforming the world.
The Holy Spirit
precipitates a crisis! The Holy
Spirit convinces of us sin, not believing and not making Christ the center of
our lives. Convinces us of
righteousness, the righteousness we might have had if we had totally
surrendered and walked our way, in the Way.
Let’s praise God that because of Jesus on the cross, evil met its match and is defeated. “The ruler of this world is judged.”
On our way, in The
Way, let’s pray for immigrants and refugees!
Consider sending gifts and
donations to
La Posada Providencia (address above).