Sunday, December 8, 2013

"Hatching a Snow Bird"

I am praising God for the blessing of the warm climate of Sebring, Florida.  I have a better understanding of the "snow birds."  I think I might really be one.


I continue to enjoy the morning walks. 

It is so nice not to have to walk on ice and snow.


It was only 83 today, down from yesterday's 93.


Florida state park system was a wonderful experience.  We took a tram through various habitats of many species of animal and plant life.
Hope you enjoy the sights,

Did you notice the snake on the stump?

Cypress knees and trees



My sister, Donna, and I have enjoyed this time together.  We have shared many activities. Also we have had some theological discussions.  I get to say what I think, she's my sister!
However, when we differ on a Bible topic I know she is probably the one that has it correct. 
She has a master degree in Biblical Studies from Multnomah in Oregon.  She has a master in linguistics from University of Texas in Arlington.  In Ethiopia she translated the Bible into two different tribal languages.  Donna did the exegetical checking for accuracy.

I will give the second presentation here in Florida on Tuesday.  Please pray with me that each person that has heard of the injustice and abuse caused by the occupation will join the Palestinian and Israelis who are working together for a non-violent solution based on law.