Saturday, February 24, 2018

Returning, Pondering, Still Returning

Returning from The Valley March 2017


The month of March is too early to return to Michigan for San Benito,  However, as always home has some perks that even cold weather does not diminish.

I live in a relative new subdivision, The Meadows.   There are no trees to block the beauty of the sky.  

When my son, Ed, went for kindergarten  registration they asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up.  He said, "I want to help God paint the sky!"  Ed and his wife, Gale, are still paining happy colors into my life.  

God is doing a great job on the sky!

Garden Pondering

It is a two year tradition to have a garden.  I call it my jungle garden because it does not need attention.  When my brother Jim and his wife Janet come, they identify which plants are weeds and we pull them out then,  

I had no idea how much joy I would get from the jungle gardens on four small parts of my yard.

From dirt to Beauty!  Is that true of our transformation as God created humanity from the dust of the earth.  God continues to care for us and we return to the beauty of God's original intent for each of us, "very good".

We are creatures that can know God and love each other.

Even some home grown tomatoes.

Did you find the butterfly?

The Fun of Summer

In July I attended a conference of Christians for Biblical Equality,    with my sister Donna in Orlando.  Inspirational messages and workshops.

Of course  some Disney shopping. 

I related to this sign at Mammoth Cave.  I am on a self guided DISCOVERY TOUR.  I am thankful for the Methodist tradition that teaches that God is within us and providing insights.

This trip driving back from Orlando was filled with Social Justice pondering.

Seeing the historic reality at Mission San Luis set me to wondering what the God of reconciliation have for me to do in the return of flourishing to all.

Spending time at Birmingham Civil Rights Institute caused a lamenting heart.  I was alive then when this was happening.  I asked myself why I was not there to struggle with the oppressed.  That is what Jesus said he come to do, set the oppressed free.  Realizing anew that we are called to be salt and light so that our society does not continue to repeat the injustice of our historic past.

We have a lot of work to do!

More Fun

What fun, thousands of people had at Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore coming together to watch eclipse?

Sisters, sister-in-law and Chocolate Cake.
Wish we lived closer, S. W MI, WA and FL.  

Spiritual Formation Methodist Tradition

This beautiful window in the Chapel of Central United Methodist Church has special significance to me.  I shared it with my four siblings.  The purple iris was my mother's favorite flower.  We have not identified which of us is represented in the four sheep.  Glad none of them were black!

It is in a room just off the Chapel where I attend an accountability group.  This type of group was started by John Wesley.

The spiritual growth in sharing life and thoughts with others in this group has been a huge help.  If you want to know more,  search accountability groups at .

My personal reading is a large part of my personal spiritual formation.   If you want to see what I am reading, send me an email: randie.clawson@gmail,com or a Facebook message.

Grand Traverse District of United Methodist Church

I am a member at Grawn United Methodist Church.  It is part of the Grand Traverse District of the United Methodist Church.  Last year and again in June 2018 the Michigan United Methodists will be meeting for our annual conference at the Grand Traverse Resort.  There will be over on Thousand participants.

I am praising God for an opportunity to study for and become a Certified Lay Minister in the United Methodist Church. A process of change!

One of the joy's is that Rev. Anita Hahn, District Superintendent, in September, extended a call to me to be the Peace with Justice Coordinator for the district.

It is my joy to be able to talk to district members.  I met many at the Main Event Meeting in November.

Surprise Party

My Balance and Core Gym group, at Centre Ice Fitness, gave me a surprise party on my 75th birthday.  Am I really 3/4 of a century old?

It was a few days early and  just a few days before I returned January 2018 to La Posada,, in San Benito TX,. 

I am spending three months serving immigrants and asylum seekers.  I am teaching English, doing some office work and enjoying being a "Winter Texan."

Our circumstances, if we pay attention, give us opportunities to return to God's intent for everyone, human flourishing in all aspects of life.