A paraphrase of Isaiah 46:4
Even to our old age, You are the same,
Even when our hair is gray, You will carry us.
You have made us, and You will bear us;
You will sustain us, and You will deliver us.
The Methodist Office in Jerusalem
Part of my journey here is from this office. The view from the office reminds us to pray for a just peace for Jerusalem.
Two Methodist facebook pages are a good way to stay current on issues. On facebook search Methodist Liaison and ask to be a friend.
Also, go to Methodist Liaison Office in Jerusalem and "like the page."
A Moving Experience
Rev. Kristen had such an experience on Tuesday changing apartments.
Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center
I am still on a uphill curve learning about Ecumenical Liberation Theology. I do know that Sabeel is arabic for "the way." This organization honors Jesus and sends out a weekly newsletter that includes a prayer. Around the world on Thursday, at noon in each time zone, prayer for a nonviolent solution for Palestine and Israel is raised, in Jesus' name, to our God of justice. This past Thursday I had then privilege of celebrating communion and praying with Arab Christian at the Sabeel office.
In Jerusalem.
You can obtain more information at
Reality Here
I often hear the sound of gun shots; the violence of the occupation a constant reality. The Applied Research Institute Jerusalem,, is a source of information on daily current events. The appointment I had for Friday afternoon had to be changed because of occupation issues.House of Hope
House of Hope is not only the guesthouse where in am staying, but the ministry gives me opportunities to serve,
God's family here have opened their hearts of love to me.
Also staying at the guest house for a couple weeks is a man they call Uncle John. He and his wife have been coming here for over 20 years.
He now comes twice a year to be with the residents and visit prior residents that he knew through the years.
Saturday I was invited to go along. Uncle John, Sammy and the van driver loaded gifts of food to give to the families.
I wish that Violet and Ja'far, blind residents, who went with us could have seen the beauty of this part of their country as we traveled south to five villages. Violet, sitting next to me, has been a teacher at House of Hope and was a wonderful interpreter.
Ja'far was the song leader as we all sang praises to God as we traveled.

There were happy reunions as Uncle John, Ja'far and Violet got to "see" friends from their past.
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The mother and Uncle John reminisced about visits when these girls were babies, ![]() |
The families showed hospitality serving mint tea and coffee. Uncle John brings books, colored pencils and photos of family members taken during the previous visit. These gifts and photos were accepted with much thanks! More photos were taken.
Violet shared stories with the children.
What an added joy for me to be able to visit these families and friends of Uncle John and House of Hope.
Praises and Prayers
I am praising God for all I am being allowed to see and do! I am praying for you, the viewers of this blog, that God will continue to open our minds and heart to Truth.