Placement Visits
During our three-month service, we visit two of the seven placements
in the West Bank. The team I am with,
team 48, has 32 people from 15 different countries in these placements.
I visited the Jayyous placement. The trip to Jayyous involved a bus to Jerusalem,
a different bus from a different bus station to Ramallah. In Ramallah, I had another walk to a different
station, this time to a service station.
The services are vans, shared taxi’s, that are much cheaper than regular
taxis. With all this walking and changes,
I was very thankful that one of the EA’s from the Jayyous team was on her way
back so I had a traveling companion from Jerusalem
Lunch in Azzun
The service took us as far as Azzun where the only Christian
family left in the village hosted us for a meal. Efaf Shatara had a home cooked lunch waiting
for us. They have family in Grand Rapids,
Jayyous Apartment
Each placement apartment is very different. In Bethlehem, our property owner lives in the
upper apartment and keeps our yard very beautiful. I did not find a beautiful yard in Jayyous. On the
positive side, hardly any traffic noise. However, there were very noisy, smelly neighbors;
the side yard was a goat pen.
The heat in the house was almost unbearable. The question
was does one really want to open the window to the smell?
Agricultural Gates
One of the duties of EAPPI Jayyous team members is to
monitor agricultural gates. Farmers are
limited and sometimes denied access to their land. Israel has divided the Palestinians from
their farmlands. There are now fences
and gates that open for limited times.
Farmers must have permits to go to their farms. They have to pass through metal detectors and
biological checks to go out and work their own lands.
While farmers would like to go out and work their land first
thing in the morning, the gates do not open first thing in the morning. The gate schedules, set by the Israeli army,
forces the farmers to work in the heat of the day.
Some gates close too soon, not allowing farmers to leave
needed farming left undone.
Denying freedom of movement on one’s own land is a violation
of rights that these farmers face every day.
Our morning walk, about 45 minutes, was pleasant, seeing some wild flowers along the way. Too bad there are wire and fences in the view.
Village Visits
Like my Bethlehem team, the Jayyous team also is responsible
to stand in solidarity with the villages.
During my time in Jayyous, I visited villages with the team. Similar problems exist in all villages. Land is taken from the villages by the
settlements. The settlement at the top of the hill, so close to this village.
Note the Settlement at the Top Ridge of the Hill |
The as the settlements expand,
more restrictions on access are placed on the Palestinian population. In one of the villages we visited, the
Israeli government has decided to claim 300 meters on the village side of a
road. The people in this area have all
received demolition orders for their homes.
This is a new action, in addition to previous losses of land by the
village. Private land is taken without
permission or recourse.
Similar problems exist most villages including the village of Salfeet.
Sadness fills my heart as I hear and see the injustice.
A little hint of positive action was a welcomed change as I heard
of a program called American Corner; it
is in the Salfeet library.
They serve as a resource for residents of those local communities, offering access to information about American culture, society, and values, as well as information on educational opportunities in the United States.
Fathi Younis,, is the
coordinator of the American Corners Salfeet.
He is very interested in expanding.
He is interested in having a US city as a “Twin” city.
Of course being out all day gives the opportunity for another wonderful Palestinian Lunch. Our Palestinian taxi driver knows the best places.
He also took us to his property, explained what he had lost.
What a difference water makes!
Amazing vegetables being grown in green houses.
Last Night/ Early Departure
I did spend the last night sleeping on the other side of the
apartment; two windows opened for some cross breezes.
Looking down the street three ways, not much
going on.
At 5:45 I was the eighth person in the
van traveling to Ramallah; all were up at this very early hour to go to their jobs many miles
The occupation with its illegal
settlements has caused great economic hardships on Palestinian families.