Thursday, January 12, 2017

Travel Travel Travel

Praising God for the Journey

Christmas 2016

Christmas with my son and daughter-in-law, Ed and Gale, in Michigan.  Glad I do not have to be out in the back yard!  Glad I am heading south!

Because Ed and Gale  were willing to taking me to and picking me up from Metro Airport in Detroit.  I was able to spend the New Years Holiday with my sister and her family on Bainbridge Island near Seattle.  

Spending Gift cards is a part of the after Christmas Tradition.

My nephew, Holden, and sister, Molly, are great shoppers!

Thank God for GPS and Gale

I started my trip to Texas on January 3rd.  Gale, my daughter-in-law programed my GPS and was on phone rescue duty during my whole trip.  I could not have done it without her.  I am so VERY thankful for all your prayers for traveling safety.

Dallas: Missional Wisdom Foundation

I planned a visit with Missional Wisdom Foundation (MWF) in Dallas.  Yes I did take some wrong turns, but with God, Gale and GPS I made it to the meeting.

 It was exciting to learn how God is using Missional Wisdom Foundation.  I came away with ideas that will enhance ministry in Traverse City

Missional Wisdom Foundation is in ministry in several states.  Please check out their web site.  I know you will be blessed.

The only down side was the Dallas Traffic!

Reaching My Destination:  La Posada Providencia

I am blessed to be part of this ministering community.  
Praise God with me that we have the opportunity to pray for and act on behalf of refugees and immigrants
For the first three months of 2017, I will be serving at
 La Posada Providencia, 30094 Marydale Road, San Benito,TX 78586,

La Posada Providencia answers the Gospel call to “welcome the stranger.” Founded by Sister Carolyn (now Hilary) Hooks, La Posada provides a safe, nurturing environment to immigrants, asylees, and asylum seekers who have come to the United States seeking safety, protection, and a better life. All shelter residents are in the process of seeking legal refuge in this country. La Posada has welcomed people from more than 70 different countries. Their goals extend beyond shelter to helping their clients adjust quickly to United States culture. Clients participate in life skills and English language lessons and receive personalized case management and transportation.
As people of faith, we are in this together.  Your help and prayers are needed. 
Please pray for immigrants and refugees! 
Consider sending gifts and donations to La Posada Providencia (address above).

During my service at La Posada, I will remain available via my phone, 231 649 0930, via email address: , via blog  and via my Facebook page. 

Old Year Brings Possibilities To The New Year

In The Light And The Light In Us!

On a page titled "With" or "In." E. Stanley Jones indicates in his book, Power and Poise the following important ideas 

The average Christian lives under the ought rather than can. 

When totally surrendered to God, the Holy Spirit comes in, so that our living becomes faithful, and loyal.  The Holy Spirit functions in us.  

The author quoted Chesterton, "if the natural will not submit to the Supernatural it becomes the unnatural."

E. Stanley Jones goes on to say, "Jesus was perfectly surrendered and hence perfectly natural.

Are we living like Jesus?  Are we living a natural, supernatural Christian life?

Church Women United

I praise God for the stamp of eternity on the good work this organization does in our community.  

Church Women United is a racially, culturally, theologically inclusive Christian women’s movement, celebrating unity in diversity and working for a world of peace and justice.  Church Women United empowers women of faith to advance social justice in their local communities and globally.  We believe in a more just and cooperative future, grounded in the love of God.  Impassioned by the Holy Spirit we act on behalf of women and children throughout our global community

Active last year even more action in 2017 working for justice for all.

United Methodist Women

The United Methodist Women Units in churches across W. Michigan Conference creatively make the Love of God an experience through their meetings and projects.

This United Methodist Women  co-sponsors a Keep Making Peace Day in East Lansing at University United Methodist Chruch, on April 1st.  Information and registration is at   
The topic this year is Confronting Michigan’s Climate Change.  

Everyone is invited to this important event. 

Before During After Incarceration (BDAI)

We started this organization in July of 2016.  We are raising awareness and taking actions with and on behalf of the Incarcerated, Previously incarcerated, their families and friends.

We continue to meet the Third Tuesday of each month.  Check our Facebook Group page for meeting times and places,  It would be great to have you be a part of this important organization.  We need volunteers.

Some tweaking of our justice system is needed to bring a just justice.

Northwest Michigan Welcoming Council

In November 2016 I traveled to Lansing and attended two events about immigration and refugees in Michigan.  I learned a lot!  The most exciting thing was that our federal government had authorized Traverse City as a place to resettle unaccompanied refugee minors.  Bethany Christian Service is the agency administering the program.  A group of local residents have formed to help extend the Welcome.  We are calling ourselves, Northwest Michigan Welcoming Council.

 Northwest Michigan Welcoming Council

Please consider being part of the Northwest Michigan Welcoming Council (NMWC).   We are a group of local residents raising awareness of the needs of refugees and coordinating efforts to welcome refugees to our area. 


Bethany Christian Services has been designated by the Federal Government to resettle unaccompanied refugee minors in our area.  They are in urgent need of foster care homes.  For specific details, please call Jamie Staley of Bethany Christian Service, 231421.6494.  In addition to foster care homes, Bethany will have many other ways to help refugees. 

Northwest Michigan Welcoming Council will:

·       Raise awareness of Bethany Christian Services’ role and needs as Unaccompanied Refugee Minors are resettled in Northwest Michigan. 
Current Urgent need, foster care homes. 
·       Provide understanding of the process through information, networking, advocacy and partnerships in Northwest Michigan.,
·       Join our hearts and hands to express kindness and smooth the integration processes.  As refugees see the beauty of our area, they will experience the collective beauty of our souls.
·       Participate in events with newcomers to hear their stories, their hopes, and their dreams.
·       Explore all possibilities as we work together so that through our combined efforts Love Peace and Justice will continue to flourish in Northwest Michigan.

More information will be posted on the Facebook Page.  If  you, or someone you know wants to be in the group’s email loop, let us know via email.

Let's help make Northwest Michigan their home sweet home!


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Human Being - Human Doing


Praise God with me for the rhythm and flow of our lives.  I praise God for the gift of time and energy.  Daily renewing of our hearts and minds through his presence in us and in our culture.  Paul in the scripture reminds us, "In whom we live and move and have our being." 

West Michigan Conference of United Methodist Church

I was able to attend and serve at the Annual meeting of the  West Michigan Conference.  My service with World Council of Chruches as an Ecumenical Accompanier Program Palestine Israel, EAPPI was the topic of my display,

United Methodists for Kairos Response

A group of United Methodists have organized to answer the urgent call from Palestinian Christians in Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth.  Our call is for effective action to end the Israeli occupation and achieve a just peace in the Holy Land.

I traveled to Des Moines, Iowa for a planning meeting.  At their sculpture park, the reflecting exhibition gave new dimensions to a Selfie.  



United Methodist Women 

Quadrennial in Grand Rapids

It was my joy to share the sisterhood of United Methodist Women.  Many members of the W. MI Conference of the United Methodist Women were able to attend this event.

Contemplating Economic Justice

I gave my reflections from attending the United Methodist Women National Seminar, Interrupt Indifference Jesus Justice and Joy.

There is much to do to achieve social justice in our country.

Each of us must realize the modern day idols that call to fill our lives.  We repent and turn making the kingdom Jesus established our priority.

A Family Note-

My son and his wife, Ed and Gale, are interested in horses.  Gale took me to meet one of the horses she cared for.  Certainty beyond my comfort zone.  However the horse loved me! I admit it was my first positive horse experience.  

Sisters and Sister- in Law, Janet and Donna.  We were able to celebrate Donna's birthday.  Something we could not do for years because Donna was a missionary in Africa for many of here birthdays.

Center Lake Bible Camp in Tustin, MI

Donna and I were able to attend the 60th anniversary celebration at Center Lake Bible Camp  We were campers during the first year of operation.

The cinnamon rolls, a camp specialty, are still as good as they ever were.

 Before During After Incarceration BDAI

Before During After Incarceration is the name given to a group that is part of the ongoing efforts to ensure that the Grand Traverse Area will be a place where all can flourish.

The main working groups are:
·       Families, Housing, Life Skills, Transportation Group
·       Release Referral Program Group
·       Mental Health and Addiction Group
·       Advocacy Communication and Membership Recruitment  Group
·       BDAI Book Club Group
·       Restorative Justice Group

We meet the third Tuesday of each month.

Continue to Pray for Our Cities, States, Nation and World