Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Turning Thoughts to Texas

In Michigan 

While I am in Michigan, some of my thoughts are turned toward a possible return to La Posada Providencia.

Please let me know if you want more information about how you can join me in the adventure. 

We Are Blessed to be a Blessing

Your prayers are needed.  Your donations are needed and your actions to change the systems are needed.  There are justice needs in every state and city!  May God's Holy Spirit continue to show us what we MUST do.  We are called, sent and empowered.  Praise be to God!

Below is this weeks Tuesday in Texas Newsletter.  You will read how God is blessing the residents and about how my United Methodist Brothers and Sisters have been inspire to action.  May their actions be an inspiration with ideas of how you might help.

La Posada Providencia's E-Newsletter

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Oh, Happy Day! La Posada Providencia
Client To Receive Work Permit
One of the clients at La Posada Providencia received her employment authorization letter Aug. 6. It is always a happy day when a client receives this letter!

Depending on the specifics of the client’s case, it can often take six to eight months for a client to receive his or her work permit. Fortunately for Shalom, her request was processed very quickly. 

Shalom will soon receive her work permit, which will allow her to find a job and earn income. The authorization for employment is just one of several milestones to help put clients on the path to citizenship and self-sufficiency!
Methodist Madness! Methodist Church Groups HelpLa Posada Providencia
Pictured (left to right): DeeAnn Smith, Pastor Lindsey Smith, Andi Atkinson, Sister Zita Telkamp, CDP, Sister Alice Marie Lyon, CDP, and Jennifer Farrell.
Pictured (left to right): Ann Finch, Rosemary Payne and Gail Reid.
On Aug. 6, two United Methodist Church groups arrived at La Posada Providencia with a clear mission: to give and serve.  

That morning, First United Methodist Church of East Bernard donated $568 to La Posada.

Four members of the Houston-area church traveled approximately five hours to San Benito, Texas, to present the check … then they went straight to work! Rev. Lindsey Smith, DeeAnn Smith, Jennifer Farrell and Shawn Ferrell all began doing laundry, yard work and many other pressing tasks to help La Posada. The next morning the men and women leveled and extended a paved sidewalk behind the women’s dorm.

The group will stay until Aug. 8 to serve La Posada in any way possible.

The afternoon of Aug. 6, three women from Westlake United Methodist Church in Austin, Texas, donated more than $400 worth of supplies to La Posada.

Ann Finch, Gail Reid and Rosemary Payne traveled approximately six hours. Upon arriving, the women asked La Posada for a “wish list” of items … then they drove straight to the Walmart in San Benito! Among the many items the women purchased were men’s and women’s socks and underwear. They also purchased some much-needed office supplies and plastic storage bins.

La Posada was doubly blessed on Aug. 6. Thank you, FUMC-East Bernard
and Westlake FUMC!
A Visit To La Posada By
Abuelas Responden/Grannies Respond
Abuelas Responden/Grannies Respond is a social action group fighting to preserve human dignity in the United States.

Whether they started from Seattle or Atlanta, the women all joined a convoy that led them to the Humanitarian Respite Center in McAllen, Texas, and then to La Posada in San Benito.

These special guests were eager to learn about the history, mission and work of La Posada, and they asked many questions. They were also able to speak to a representative from Angry Tías and Abuelas, a local social action group that arose from the family separation tragedy.

Before heading to the next stop, the Texas-Mexico crossing bridge in Brownsville, the group enjoyed a spaghetti lunch with the clients underneath a large shade tree.

Thank you Abuelas Responden/Grannies Respond for stopping by La Posada and fighting for social justice!

Donate to La Posada

Help the stranger and give to La Posada online today using a secure server. Make a monetary donation using your credit or debit card

Connect with La Posada

F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F O L L O W on T W I T T E R
Present Client Census: 11 Clients representing 9 different countries

4 Women: 1-Ukraine, 1-El Salvador, 1-Congo, 1-Zimbabwe,
2 Children: 1-El Salvador, 1-Congo,
5 Men: 1-Mexico, 1-Eritrea, 1-Cuba, 1-Russia, 1-Nigeria

La Posada Providencia, founded and sponsored by the Sisters of Divine Providence, is a ministry for people in crisis from around the world, who are seeking legal refuge in this country. The shelter staff provides a safe and welcoming home; mentors to promote self-sufficiency and cultural integration; and imparts values which witness God's Providence in our world.