The Joy of being Home
Michigan Wild Flowers in the Woods |
I have had a wonderful variety of things to do since I
arrived back in Michigan. Each day is
filled with important events and my to-do list is never done. Connecting with friends and family is an ongoing joy. I have had the chance to meet my new neighbors.
I love the people in my subdivision. So many “neighborly” people willing to help each other.
I have had the chance to host family, friends. I even hosted a couple baseball players who were here in TC as they worked their way up in the baseball world. That was really fun!
House and Yard
Now, yard work season has started here. Yard work is not my favorite thing to do, but seeing it done is a relief. To be honest, I look forward to rainy days in the summer so I can stay inside and read.
TC Christ United Methodist Church
Pastor Dianne Doten Morrison continues to plan meaningful
worship for us. Vespers during Holy Week
are always a significant experience. Easter’s
celebrations are a highlight for me. I am so glad we are
Easter People!
Native American Sunday was especially interesting. Pastor’s message was meaningful and our Tribal
Blessing Ceremony was fun.
An exchange student, Shareen, completed a school assignment by setting up a display about our Native American heritage as well as providing native food.
TC Christ is reaching out to the community in some exciting
I worked with others doing some yard work getting the church yard ready for our Garden Party.
This is your invitation to a Garden Party Event
at TC Christ UMC
I hope everyone who lives close will plan to join in the
fun next Saturday!
If you are coming in from a distance, let me know. I am answering my call to hospitality, using my extra bedrooms,
West Michigan Conference Annual Meeting

One important item, which I hope passes, is the call for
United Methodists to Divest from funds that are making money from the pain and
suffering of the Palestinian People.
United Methodist Women (UMW)
My new volunteer position as Social Action Coordinator for
the United Methodist Women of the Michigan Conference fills my mind and
heart. I am thankful for the opportunity
to be on the leadership team. God is
building my skills in many ways through the interactions with the UMW’s of West
I attended UMW Leadership Development Days in North
Carolina. What a joy it was to witness
the dedication of my United Methodist Sisters in Christ. Ask me about my mute and un-mute lesson.
Being a part of the UMW’s Lunch Bunch at Central United
Methodist Church has been a big part of the community spirit I need. It was fun to work together getting ready for
the rummage sale; it yielded funds for missions.
Linda, the Grand Traverse District Social Action Coordinator, facilitated a wonderful social action day in Ludington. We were presented with information about mental health and learned ways we might be able to help.
Justice For Our Neighbors
I took the on line training and have started volunteering
for Justice for Our Neighbors. This
organization reaches out with legal help for those refugees and
I have answered God’s call
to be involved in showing love to refugees in their need.
I am volunteering for Justice for our Neighbors in Traverse City, Michigan. Sue and Alline helped establish the clinic at Central UMC.
It will be interesting to see where God may use the skills provided me come next winter. I sure hope it is in a warm area.
My Schedule
I will be making some trips in Michigan to make
presentations about my mission and Social Justice actions. I am going out of state for the UMW
National Seminar, Jesus-Justice-Joy. I
have a trip to Ethiopia planned for August.