Friday, January 9, 2015

More To Do

Christmas Past

It has been 2 weeks and two days since I departed from Hope Secondary School in Beit Jala, Palestine.  Arriving in the states on December 23 landed me into the Holiday Mode.  I celebrated Christmas with Ed and Gale, my son and daughter in law.  The day after Christmas, they put me on a plane to visit family in Washington State.  

While in WA, I had the opportunity to tell Seabold UMC about United Methodist Advance projects including Hope Secondary School, Beit Jala, Palestine where I last served. 

In 2015, let’s take action on behalf of the Palestinians through the United Methodist Advance Program (


Spending two months, November-December 2014, at Hope Secondary School in Beit Jala was a privilege and joy!  Being around youth, experiencing their exuberance and energy helped me realize God’s blessings and imagine God’s expectation for these lives.  Experiencing firsthand the dedication of the administrative staff and teachers makes it easy for me to request your involvement. 

God is giving you the gift of being involved in the lives of students at Hope Secondary School Advance Project #12018A.


My days were filled with action.  Lalia in the development office kept me busy with projects that will further develop the contact and involvement with friends of Hope School.  

I interacted with the students personally through English enrichment activities, going on a field trip for environmental education and eating meals with the boarding section students. 

Being a part of the teacher professional development allowed me to attend team building and arbitration training.  

One of the highlights was seeing Dr. Jihan Emaya's leadership enhancing the quality of education at Hope Secondary School.  I am glad the board, led by Khader Saba, supports the long-term needs of Hope Secondary School.

Student Sponsorship Program

Lalia coordinates the Student Sponsorship Program at the school.  This gives an opportunity to communicate one on one with students.  To be part of sponsoring a student, let Lalia know your interest

I am looking for some people in the United Methodist West Michigan Conference who might like to join me in sponsorship of some of the students I met!

More Information

Hope Secondary School has a web site,  They are also on Facebook.  Please check out these places for further information about all God is doing through those serving at Hope Secondary School.

Looking Ahead

The temperature outside today in the single digits, reinforces why I plan to be out of Michigan this time of year.  I leave soon for a trip to Florida! 


I am looking forward to the warmth while visiting my sister, Donna, in Sebring Florida. 

Middle East

The Middle East remains in my thoughts and prayers.  There is still much to learn and do as we continue to reflect our God of justice.  The United Methodist Kairos Response, is a source for information and suggested action.  Many United Methodist conferences are looking into ways to further God’s justice through United Methodist Conference’s actions.

I have enjoyed receiving a newsletter from Wazala  This site gives an overview of things Christian from several countries in the Middle East.

United Methodist Women

I have taken on a new volunteer responsibility as United Methodist Women social action coordinator for United Methodist West Michigan Conference.  United Methodist Women are dedicated to putting their faith, hope and love into social action.


Once back home, I am answering a call to hospitality.  Consider this as your invitation to visit me at my home.  I am planning a Bible study, prayer group and more.

Palestinian mint tea and mint lemon aid are house specialties.


My next oversea trip will happen this summer in connection with a Bible Dedication in Ethiopia.  My sister Donna’s last few years of her 30 years in Africa were spent in the development of this Bible in a native tongue that never had a written language previously.  My sister in law and I will be traveling with Donna to the dedication.

Keep in Touch

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