Monday, July 8, 2013

Out of My Comfort Zone

Traveling to Tiberius on the Sea of Galilee 

Half way around the world, I am traveling by myself for two days off.  It involves going through the checkpoint, catching a bus to Jerusalem, a train in Jerusalem and finally a bus to the sea of Galilee.  

Once in Jerusalem I walked to the train station, however the directional signage was in Hebrew. 

 Seeing a line of people by a machine, I surmised that tickets had to be purchased from a machine.  

When my turn finally came, I was relieved to see that I could request the screen to show English.  However, the machine would not take my 50 NIS bill.  

Now I was on the hunt for someone who understood English and who had change. Success, ticket in hand I boarded the train for a trip through Jerusalem.  I knew I had to get off at the central bus station, fortunately, the stops are shown in three languages, Hebrew, Arabic and English. I departed correctly.

I knew from the Internet that I was to catch my bus at platform 20.  Walking along the street, the bus stop numbers only went up to number ten.  

On the hunt again for someone who speaks, English.  When I found the English speaker, I was directed to a building across the street.  It was the central bus station but there was no bus in sight. 
Once inside, I finally got to Platform 20 to start my 2 ¾-hour bus trip to the Sea of Galilee.  

Nothing to do but sit back, relax and enjoy the scenery.

All the while being comforted by the scripture that tells us in God we live, move and have our being,