Tuesday, March 20, 2018

On The Road Again, Soon!


The bittersweet reality of departure haunts each ending of mission service experience.  I have been a winter Texan two years and I have told God it is OK with me if I have that designation again next year.

Reality of chores waiting in Michigan is requiring focusing and prioritizing.  Praise God with me that my Daughter-in-law, Gale, has offered to fly to Texas and is going to drive/ride with me cross-country.


We all have the same amount, but how often it seems to stand still or fly!  Walking in 80+-degree weather while in Texas, January thru March is one of the joys.

Some white pelicans show up in San Benito every 3-5 years.  This was the year and I was blessed to see them!

God continues to teach me life lessons because of my “yes” to ministry. 

 Circumstances are gifts for listening and growing in understanding God’s Providence and Prevenient Grace in our lives.


We are having a national conversation about guns.  It is a needed conversation.

At the same time, it is morally responsible to include in the conversation the number of deaths occurring because of the guns of war.  

How many of the bullets bombs and drones  that killed people worldwide have USA stamped on them or were produced by our military industrial complex?

Statistics of 2017, guns of war.
Start of conflict
Cumulative fatalities
Fatalities in 2017
·       Current phase
23,065[n 1]
·       Iraqi Civil War
North America

Jesus shows no partiality to country or persons,
we are all called to nonviolent living,
“Love Your Enemies.”

Saying “Yes” to Serve at La Posada

Tuesday in Texas is the title of the newsletter produced by La Posada where I served.  The statistics below show the realities as of Tuesday 3/20/18.

Present Client Census: 19 Clients representing 9 different countries

6  Women:   3-El Salvador, 1-Mexico, 1-Congo, 1-Guatemala
5  Children:  2-El Salvador, 2-Congo, 1-Guatemala
8  Men: 1-Mexico, 1-Eritrea, 2-Cuba, 1-Nigeria 1-USA, 1-Cameroon, 1-Congo

These are names and numbers to anyone who reads this, however, to me, now; they are people who received God’s Prevenient Grace at La Posada.  I have had the privilege of seeing Christ in them. 

It was my privilege as Sister Therese leads us in the opening of each day of school.  Each day we say the pledge of allegiance and sing together, God Bless America. 

As part of the cultural orientation in January, Sister Therese taught about Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  I loved hearing these suffering asylum seekers singing, “We Shall Overcome.”

It was my joy to see the progress as everyone worked hard to learn English.  For some it was their third or fourth language.  With the young students each week, we were worked on learning the alphabet.  I discovered that for one eight year-old English is the third language going into his head. 
Serving at La Posada was my joy, joy, joy down in my heart.  We also sang This Little Light of Mine.  It is fun watching everyone do the motions and enjoy singing together. 

It is a worshipful soul re-commitment for me as I heard the multi-national singers' voices singing of God’s light.  “Jesus gave it to me, I’m going to let shine.  

The residents are here because of bombs, bullets and violenceJesus is the answer.  

May rivers of justice flow from each of our choices in our 24/7’s! 


Finding Family at First United Methodist Church of San Benito was a joy.  

The United Methodist Women's Unit visited La Posada.

The discussions in the Sunday school class were opportunities to ponder perspectives.

The first Sunday I attended, I was invited to sit in the "Michigan Row."   I also was invited to join them for lunch after church.  

I also attended some events where most live, at Sun and Fun!

My Added Journey

I have added another “Yes” to God and am studying to becoming a Certified Lay Minister, CLM, with the United Methodist Church.  I still have CLM course work and other requirements to complete.  An area of my training, interactions with an established congregation, will be accomplished in the family of God that is the Grawn United Methodist Church.  As I learn and serve in the capacity of a Certified Lay Minister, CLM, I look forward to growing in community with all at Grawn United Methodist Church.  Part of my service will be as the Peace with Justice Coordinator for District 2 of the Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church. 

Pray and Act for Peace with Justice 

[i] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ongoing_armed_conflicts#10,000_or_more_deaths_in_current_or_past_year