The United Methodist Women Connection
United Methodist Women Deaconess, Cindy Johnson, was my
contact that smoothed the way for me to serve at La Posada Providencia,
I connected to her by way of a different United Methodist Women, Cindy
Saufferer. I had med Cindy Saufferer on
the 2012 UMW Ubuntu Journey to Sierra Leone.
She was in MI attending the 2016 North Central Jurisdiction Quadrennial
in Grand Rapids, June 2016 when I was discerning my next volunteer in mission journey. Part of the 2012 Sierra Leone Ubuntu Journey team members Vicki behind, Rita on my right and Cindy on my left.
I praise God
that Cindy from MN gave me the contact info of Cindy of TX. The rest of the story you have read about on
previous blogs and stories from here will continue until March 27, 2017.
Texan United Methodist Churches
Along with my service here at La Posada Providencia, I have
had the privilege of visiting many churches in the Rio Texas Conference in particular
in the El Valle District.
Praise God I was able to share about the
Matthew 25 work here at La Posada. I am
VERY encouraged being able to interact with the United Methodists in the
Valley. I have a new label, Winter
Texan. It makes me wonder where someone
with that label will serve next winter.
Today, March 12, 2017
1st United Methodist Church of Weslaco, TX
My heart is full of praise to God for my church experience today, 1st United Methodist Church of Weslaco, TX.
This church has answered the call to love God and serve
The CALL TO WORSHIP at the service today ministered to my journeying heart!
Leader: We
are called to go to places that we don’t know.
People: We look to the hills for our strength.
Leader: Our
strength is in God who always goes with us
People: We walk in faith.
Leader: Come, let us worship the God who
calls us and who walks beside us throughout the journey
Two couples from Michigan greeted me during the “Pass the
Peace” portion of the service.
The thoughts and challenges of the sermon were a blessing to
my soul. The sermon, spoken in English, was translated as the sermon progressed.
The sermon’s call to action contained an important reminder that we are made
alive with God’s breath. The Holy Spirit
is ready to resurrect the dead places in each of our lives. As we experience the breath of God resurrecting
the dead places we are sent out to the world.
It was fun to see the playground at the church being used by many!
Mission teams from out of town
will be staying and serving this week as this church reaches out to their
I was invited to and enjoy a
potluck with all, Good food and fellowship!
Praise God with me for the many United Methodists Churches
that have welcomed me and support La Posada Providencia with their prayers and
Extra Volunteers
This is Spring Break at collages throughout our country. What a joy it is to experience young people from several different colleges who come to serve asylum seekers on their Spring Break.
The college students and the asylum seekers learn from each other. They listen and learn from Sister Margaret.
Pondering the potential for God's very good in the lives of these college students and asylum seekers is exciting!
Pray for Refugees
and Those Who Serve Them.