Home Safe
Praise God with me that I am home safely from my assignment
in Harrisonburg, VA.
I arrived home in time to celebrate the 100th birthday of a very dear friend, Fran.

I arrived home in time to celebrate the 100th birthday of a very dear friend, Fran.

Reflecting on Answers to Prayers
When I was getting ready to go last November, I talked to
God about the “individual” part of the Individual Volunteer in Mission. I was concerned that I would be alone from
4:30PM on Friday to 8:30 AM on Monday. I
was looking at living by myself in a motel room for four months. A difference from Bethlehem-five in the
apartment, Jordan-up to ten in the apartment with six in the same bedroom for a
while and Beit Jala, Hope School, staying at the school with 22 other borders.
God had plans to cover my individual angst!
Reflections on Refugees
Serving through the Church World Service Office was a wonderful experience. You can find out more information about the office where I served at the following web site, www.harrisonburgrefugees.com/.
A video was produced and is on YouTube: It highlights some of the realities refugees
face and tells about refugee resettlement in Harrisonburg.
On Saturdays and Sundays I transported refugees to events. Their
lives filled my weekend times with Joy as we participated in events!
Reflections on Asbury UMC
As you know from prior blogs, the family of God at
Asbury UMC in Harrisonburg is precious to me. They have a beautiful sanctuary. The Christmas play was delightful.
They welcomed me and also welcomed members of the JMU International Leadership in Education Program. Four international teachers are now singing in their choir directed by Rev. Laura Douglass.
Reflections on Harrisonburg, VA
Naturally Supernatural
In my faith tradition, we believe that Jesus dwells within. That makes our lives naturally supernatural. What a joy it was for me to hear
the faith stories of refugees, from Asbury members and from the international teachers.
God’s final act of taking the “individual” out of my journey was an experience with with Victor, one of the international teachers.
Victor is from Mexico where he is not only a teacher, but also
the pastor of a small Methodist Church.
Unknown to Victor, the Perry Ohio UMC was reaching out to a Hispanic
community in their neighborhood. Many of
their Hispanic neighbors were from the town where Victor’s church, Mision
Fuetne Agua Viva, is located. The Perry
Ohio UMC contacted Victor’s wife in Mexico. She let Victor know that Perry UMC in
Ohio wanted to do a summer mission trip to help the church in Mexico.
My planned trip home to MI coincided with Victor’s spring
break. I was able to enjoy Victor’s
company during my trip to Michigan.
I transporting Victor to Perry UMC in Ohio so that Victor could be part of the fellowship, worship and preaching at Perry UMC.
I transporting Victor to Perry UMC in Ohio so that Victor could be part of the fellowship, worship and preaching at Perry UMC.
Everyone is looking forward to the mission
trip in August.
What Was Seen? What Is Remembered?
Leaving an assignment is not easy. However, I am filled and overflowing with
precious memories.
In 2013 when I was
leaving Bethlehem, my first assignment, a poem, The Layers, by Stanley
Kunitz came
to me by email. It is not a religious
poem, but one that speaks to changes.
Below are some of the lines, https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poem/layers
When I
look behind, as I am compelled to look before I can gather strength to proceed
on my journey, I see the milestones dwindling toward the horizon and the slow
fires trailing from the abandoned camp-sites, over which scavenger angels wheel
on heavy wings.
Oh, I
have made myself a tribe out of my true affections, and my tribe is scattered!
How shall
the heart be reconciled to its feast of losses?...
Yet I
turn, I turn, exulting somewhat, with my will intact to go wherever I need to
go, and every stone on the road precious to me.
Purpose in Life-“So That”
I have been pondering the term, "So That." It caught my attention while reading the
story about the raising of Lazarus.
The Death of Lazarus John 11:13-15
…13Now Jesus had spoken of his death, but they thought that He was speaking of literal sleep. 14So Jesus then said to them plainly, "Lazarus is dead, 15and I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, so that you may believe; but let us go to him."…
…13Now Jesus had spoken of his death, but they thought that He was speaking of literal sleep. 14So Jesus then said to them plainly, "Lazarus is dead, 15and I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, so that you may believe; but let us go to him."…
Jesus’ purposes, were the “so that’s,” of events lived
among humanity.
I wonder about all the events God has allowed me to
experience in the Middle East and in the USA. I see the needs in USA differently because of
my mission journeys. I ponder my "so
that’s." They are mysteries, give meaning and are adventure.
We all are on an exciting quest, living into the "so
thats" of our lives. God's plans, our choices create our adventure!
United Methodist Women
We as United Methodist Women have embraced the quest. We
are reading, studying. We are very active on many social justice issues. We are
growing closer to God and each other. Check
out the social justice action resources on many issues at http://www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/
Teach Us to Pray

When Jesus taught people to pray, he instructed the disciples to ask that God’s kingdom
come on earth as it is in heaven.
Churches around the world repeat this request nearly every week.
Our love and actions are the answer to the “on earth as it is
in heaven” prayer.
Millions of refugees and other vulnerable people need that prayer answered.
UN Pictures form refugee camps continue to show the needs.
With each choice, let’s ask ourselves this question.