Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Joyful and Glad in Heart

Joyful and Glad in Heart Experiencing

I started my time home at my son's home for three days.  Sure is nice to experience the love of my son and his wife.  It was fun to get together with other good friends too.

Now home reconnecting with my neighbors, walking for exercise instead of transportation.  What a joy to have a home and friends to come back to.

Joyful and Glad in Heart Remembering

It has been a month already after arriving home June 2nd.  My home had been well cared for my my friends.  As you can see some of my bushes did not make the winter.  From what I am hearing, I am glad I did not experience this winter in Michigan.

I got busy right away getting ready to make presentations about what I saw and did during the five months I was in Jordan, Palestine and Israel.

Deciding how to put five months into a thirty minute talk, with pictures allowed me to review my notes, pictures and memory bring back the wonderful experiences I had with so many!

Thank God for the opportunity to speak at my home church

Joyful and Glad in Heart Hearing

One of Pastor's sermon was about what Christians refer to as Pentecost.  According to our faith tradition, it was the initial receiving of the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Act 2:12 records the thoughts of those who were experiencing God. "Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, 'What does this mean?"

Joyful and Glad in Heart Planning

Daily information comes about opportunities to minister, scheduling presentations and future service options.  Maybe we can minister together.

I had the privileged of attending the United Methodist, West Michigan Annual Conference.  How pleased I was that the group voted to take positive steps toward a Just Peace in the Middle East.

Our Good News

The struggle continues for people in the Jordan, Israel and Palestine where I served.  The struggles here also continue.  Praise God with me that we have the Good News.  We have the privilege and responsibility of reaching out with the Good News of Jesus' Love