Friday, January 24, 2014

Winter Vacation

I was surprised upon arrival to find out that the school where I will be an assistant will not be starting until February 3rd.  However, there has been much to do because the church held a week long Vacation Bible School. 

Daily the church was full of active excited children.  Each day 15-20 mothers joined in too.  Everyone enjoyed singing songs with actions.  There was leaping and jumping at appropriate times and beyond.  

The children really enjoyed the puppet shows and videos.  

Lessons about Bible characters were given.  On Friday the final lesson was about Jesus and the salvation provided by the cross and resurrection.   Through the use of puppets, music and even bubbles God's little ones heard about Jesus' love for them.

I served with the three to five year old children.  Today we had 12 listening to the story, plus a couple more crawling under the benches.  We held the class in the back corner of the church.

 It has been many years since I have been involved at this level and personally felt the excitement of so much potential.

The church family prayed for the events daily.  They worked very hard on the VBS.   Each day sandwiches were made for all the children and the mothers.

Pray with the church family here in Mafraq that the children will continue to grow in their understanding of God's love for them.