Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Busy Month

Hi Everyone,
I have been home a month.  Time seems to be going as fast here as it did during the three months I was in Occupied Palestine Terriority and Israel. 

Last Weekend in July

The last weekend in July, I met my sister, Donna, who lives in Florida, at Pittsburgh, PA for a conference by Christians for Biblical Equality (  I made the trip by Greyhound bus, an adventure in itself.  Arriving at the bus station at 4:30 AM and then finding my way to the hotel 23 miles away was another stretch. 

I am praising God for all those who gave me directions.  It was only a few blocks’ walk to the underground, and there were a few other people making the walk before 6 AM.  The conference and the things I learned left my heart praising God for the Holy Spirit’s gifting for ministry. 

A United Methodist volunteer, Tina Whitehead, whom I met in Jerusalem, was home in the states.  Her home was within an hour drive of my conference site, so she visited for coffee and conversation.  I have learned and still am learning so much from her.  Tina has served in the Holy Land for several years.

Donna and Lessons on Zionism

Being home and having Donna staying here is wonderful.  Some of you remember that I invited you all to lessons on Zionism.  Donna has put together scripture and lesson outlines.  Those who responded to the invitation, from this blog, have learned a lot.  If you want copies of the lessons, let me know.

A Wonderful Variety of Activities 


My brother and sister-in-law came up from Lawton in southern Michigan.  We enjoyed dinner and a concert of Irish music.  Donna, Janet and Jim did the tourist things around Traverse City, while I got ready for my pending advocacy talks.

Sunrise in Michigan

  It almost looks like the "burning Bush/tree"!  

 But it is God gifting me with another beautiful sunrise.

I am a morning person it is my joy to see the beauty of sunrises from my deck.


More Training

I now have completed the West Michigan Conference Leadership Training for United Methodist Volunteers in Missions.  Lorna Jost of the North Central Jurisdictional Office offered this training.  Maybe someday we can go on a Holy Land tour together.

Friends and Even a Yard Sale

My subdivision decided to have a yard sale, so some of my friends brought their tables and stuff and we had a fun day!

Advocating for Just Peace in Palestine and Israel

On Saturday, August 17, it was my privilege to tell about my EAPPI experiences to the local chapter of Michigan Veterans for Peace.  In addition, on Sunday August 18, I spoke to my church family at Christ United Methodist Church. 

I was glad to have these opportunities to tell what I saw and learned in the Occupied Palestinian territory and Israel. I am convinced that if Jesus were here in person, he would be a Peace and Justice activist.  Jesus would be advocating for a JUST peace in all areas of conflict in the world.  

Let’s take the challenge to be the hands of Jesus in the world!

Christ United Methodist Church

This year I have worshiped with many congregations, some even in English.  God’s Spirit made Jesus known to the hearts in each worship setting, but there is something VERY special to me about worshiping with my local church family. 

After the service we had a wonderful time at the lake
Action Shot: The Stick Is Still In the Air
Good Parents Ever Watchful

Methodist Tradition, Good Food

After the service we had a wonderful time at the lake.

Prayers Still Needed

As I discern God’s plans for my next mission, I am counting on your continued prayers.  Please call me, 2313 929 7808 if your church or group would like a presentation about what I saw and did during my three months in Bethlehem with the Ecumenical Accompaniment Program Palestine Israel (