Thursday, May 9, 2013

Connecting US and Palestinian Christians

Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation

The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation is a USA 501C (3) organization committed to improving the lives of the Christians of the Holy Land by developing bonds of solidarity between them and Christians in the United States. 

Anthony Habash, regional director updated EA’s on the programs that are operating here to benefit Christians in the holy land.  

This organization works on such things as home rehabilitation, job creation, child sponsorship program, holy land gift program, tours and the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation Inn. 

Close to my heart is their work with the senior community.

Another program that I found particularly interesting was their Know Thy Heritage program.  Through this program, young people from families with Palestinian roots, return to Palestine for a visit.  They explore the culture, tour museums and see the beauty of Palestine.
More information about this organization is available from their website.

Pray for a JUST Peace in Palestine!